
Groundwater exploration, a sustainable groundwater management as well as the protection of this resource characterize essential aspects in the subject of hydrogeology. Besides the hydrochemical composition (qualitative) of the groundwater, this field of expertise also accounts for its subsurface flow characteristics (quantitative). With respect to this, it is indispensible to have the best knowledge possible about the structural conditions of the hydrogeological system.

Classical methodologies for system characterization are the analysis and integration of geological borehole data, geophysical measurements, remote sensing, laboratory experiments on representative field samples and hydrogeological field methods (pumping or infiltration tests) for the in-situ determination of related parameters.

The evaluation of hydrogeological systems is linked to site-specific monitoring programs and/or the use of multidimensional numerical flow and transport models. Depending on the issue involved, the models can be hydraulic, hydrochemical, or also thermodynamic, while corresponding model couplings are generally possible.

In hydrogeology, TERRAnotion can demonstrate experience in the following subject areas:

Conceptualization of hydrogeological models

Hydrogeological 3-D modeling

Groundwater exploration services

Regional groundwater resource evaluation

Groundwater monitoring & sampling

Vulnerability assessment

Groundwater protection concepts



Geohydraulics form a major segment of the hydrogeology discipline. Gathering measurements, the mathematical reproduction of groundwater flow and solute transport processes as well as specific system analyses, all belong to the essential foundations of our work.

The utilization of multi-dimensional numerical groundwater models in combination with representatively collected field data provides our customers with robust system analyses as well as reliable planning and prognosis instruments in all areas of inquiry.
TERRAnotion conceives and executes case-specific measurement campaigns.

In the discipline of geohydraulics, TERRAnotion can demonstrate experience and projects in the following subject areas:

Geohydraulic characterization of porous, fractured, and karstic aquifers

Case studies of regional groundwater flow and solute transport processes

Numerical 2-D/3-D groundwater flow and solute transport modeling

Density-coupled transport modeling (seawater intrusion/brine uptake)


Groundwater Management

An effective and sustainable groundwater management demands interdisciplinary approaches and specified solution strategies. In most cases, natural conditions interact with anthropological aspects such as drinking water production, agriculture, industry, mining aspects and contaminated site waste problems, which influence groundwater resources quantitatively and qualitatively in the long term.

Thus, a sustainable groundwater management demands structured recommendations for action. In the fields of groundwater exploration services and groundwater protection, TERRAnotion provides you dependable exploration services and corresponding extraction and protection concepts as well as customer specific system solutions in the framework of water-related economical tasks.

In groundwater management, TERRAnotion can demonstrate experience and projects in the following areas:

Delineation and management of groundwater protection areas

Vulnerability assessment

Groundwater exploration services

Groundwater balance estimation

Decision Support System (DSS) development for management issues

Optimised groundwater extraction/abstraction design

Land use optimisation


Geothermal Energy

Geothermal potential denotes heat energy that is naturally occurring and which is stored in the subsurface. Geothermal studies are becoming more and more important as a result of a more critical resource and energy situation. In the context of renewable energy, the use of natural geothermal systems has an enormous potential for using geothermal energy in terms of electricity, heat energy, or for cooling processes. Independent of fossil and conventional combustible materials, geothermal studies makes a natural energy reservoir available that guarantees provision of energy over long periods of time.

In geothermal studies,TERRAnotion can demonstrate experience and projects in the following areas:

Feasibility studies

Geothermal exploration services

Thermohydraulic reservoir modeling

Geothermal exploitation design

Production/injection well testing


Geological Services

Creating regional underground information systems as a planning basis for a sustainable management of natural resources provides a comprehensive and holistic tool for an integrated system monitoring and underground management. Therewith, the multidimensional geo-database approach provides favorable spatial analysis techniques for complex matters within the economically used underground.

In geological modeling and analysis, TERRAnotion can demonstrate experience and projects in the following areas:

Structural 3-D modeling

Operational planning for deep-drilling projects

Geological research and exploration

Underground management concepts



Hydrometry is concerned with the quantitative determination potential for using geothermal energy in terms of electricity, heat energy, or for cooling processes. Data on surface water systems, groundwater and precipitation are collected spatio-temporally, evaluated and visualized. Collecting representative field data constitutes a key role in system analysis and presents the essential basis for corresponding solution concepts. TERRAnotion creates and executes specific measuring concepts in the context of individual customer demands.

In hydrometry, TERRAnotion can demonstrate experience and projects in the following subject areas:

Groundwater monitoring

Reference date measurement

Data logging equipment

Monitoring network conception

Groundwater exploration

Tracer tests

Infiltrometer tests

Pumping tests

Slug & bail tests

Flow and run-off measurements in natural surface water systems

Estimation of spring discharge rates



As a related section of hydrogeology, the subject hydrology includes the characterization, the conceptual linkage and the interactions between the various parts of the water circulation system. The quantification of corresponding process scales, the spatial variability as well as the effects of anthropogenic influences are indispensable for an overall system analysis.

Modern hydrology orients itself to the complexity of hydrological processes and therefore demands interdisciplinary approaches.

In hydrology, TERRAnotion can demonstrate experience and projects in the following subject areas:

Hydrological monitoring

Precipitation quantification & analyses

Estimation of evapo(transpi)ration rates

Groundwater recharge estimation


Contaminated site management
Contaminated site management

Contaminated sites characterize long-term deposits at former industry locations or industrially used locations where environmentally dangerous substances were handled and which can present dangers for the environment or human health. TERRAnotion contributes to the systematic processing of contaminated waste sites and develops directive approaches and concepts for danger prevention.

In data management, TERRAnotion can demonstrate experience and projects in the following subject areas:

Forensic contaminant source identification

Groundwater remediation concepts

Hydraulic optimisation of remediation measures

Fate and solute transport modelling

Hydraulic barrier design

Groundwater monitoring network design

Risk assessment


Data management services
Data Management Services

Data management combines management issues and technical solutions for storing, accessing and analyzing geo-spatial information. An efficient data management focuses the interfacing of available geo-data into business processes. TERRAnotion will help you to minimize the effort for pre- and post-processing your geo-scientific data. Typical tasks are combining, normalizing and cleaning geo-scientific information from various data sources as well as developing and implementing individual solutions for data management and exchange. The customer specific solutions are consequently integrated into your process structure. Data security has the highest priority for us.

In hydrology, TERRAnotion can demonstrate experience and projects in the following subject areas:

Data management and transfer

database systems

automatic data transmission

web-based data visualization

Geographic & hydrogeological database development, deployment, maintenance

Mapping and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

Spatial data analysis, visualization and presentation